Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gustave Dore

Gustave Dore was a french artist who did engravings, illustrations and sculptures. Many of his engravings were done in wither steel or wood. He preferred engravings to any other type of artwork, he did work as a commissioned artist for many authors and works of literature. He lived from 1832 to 1883. Gustave was already making art at age five and at age fifteen, he had his first illustrated work published. He began to carve his artwork into stone when he turned twelve. He began his artistic career publishing in Paris. As well as doing work for Milton, he also did illustrations for Dante. He also illustrated a version of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" and a version of the bible. His version of the English Bible did very well and in 1867 he had a major exhibition in London. Dore did most of his work in France and England. He was a true European Artist. He did his work for John Milton in 1866, this is when he did his artwork in Paradise Lost, including his famous depiction of Satan. I posted this and another image from Paradise Lost below, there are more images from Paradise Lost on the link below.

Gustave Doré
File:Paradise Lost 10.jpg
The Heavenly Hosts

Depiction of Satan


  1. Liz! I love the pictures that you chose for your post! The pictures really give me a good sense of what Milton was trying to portray in his epic. I'm not exactly sure where the reference to Doré is; however, learning about how many famous literary works he illustrated is amazing! Poe, Milton, Dante! Wow. His styles are also very different: conture v. texture. Very detailed works, but all different in their own unique way.

  2. All the pictures were very interesting. I especially loved the picture of Satan because it is not like most pictures you see of Satan. This particular one makes you feel bad for Satan because of the sense of loss you see on his face, however, the sharp lines of his wings and also the fact that they are black makes you realize he is not good angel anymore. Great job Liz.

  3. I liked how you kept the facts simple and to the point. I leanred a lot about Dore in a short amount of time. I also found the picture of Satan to be the most interesting. I never pictured him to be so human looking besides the wings. It's weird that he has a skirt though. Good work.

  4. I really like how you mentioned other artworks he created for other authors. I happen to have tree copies of the Divine Comedy at home and always thought that the pictures were very beautiful. Engravings are also unique. I do not usually hear many things about them so that was entertaining.

  5. Liz,
    It was nice to learn about the illustrator for Paradise Lost. Your prose was informative and laid out in an easy to follow format. I really loved the pictures at the end though. I feel that any time artwork is discussed that a picture should be presented as well which you did perfectly!

  6. I agree. Great collection of images.
