Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Pardoner's Tale

I rede that oure host shael biginne
for he is most envoluped in sinne
com forth, sire Host, and offre first anoon
and thou shalt kisse the rellikes everichoon
ye, for a grote: unbokele annon thy purse

This set of lines comes after the pardoner has finished telling his tale. It seems to me that he is asking the people to seek forgiveness from the pardoner. He suggests that the first person to go should be the Host. What I do not understand is why he asks the Host to go first? Maybe he is favoring him because he is the one "running'' this story-telling game. I can not see another reason why he would ask him to go first, however my reason does not make much sense because it makes the Host mad when the pardoner asks him to go first.

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