Thursday, August 26, 2010

Favorite Books

1. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult- This book was recommended to me about ten times before I finally read it and I am so happy I did. It is sad but it has a good story to it. It is one of those books that you do not see the ending coming. I really liked it a lot though.
2. A Child Called It by David Pelzer- I was supposed to read this book for an online course and it was one of the most difficult things that I have ever read. The book is an autobiography of David's childhood, during which he was abused. It was the saddest book I have ever read in my life, I cried through most of it. It was a difficult read but I will never forget it.

3. The Catch in the Rye by J.D. Salinger- We read it last year in school and I have never enjoyed a school book like it. It kept my attention and was fun to read because it was about a high school student. It was definitely the best school book I have read.

4. 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult- I am a huge fan of Jodi Picoult, obviously. This is my favorite book of all time. It is about a school shooting and the trials to follow. It also shows the reader the past of the kids involved. It is very interesting and is very well written.
5. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte- Although it was difficult to read, I really enjoyed reading it. It had a good story and good life lessons as well. It was different from anything else I have ever read though because of the language but it was still enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Liz--In our house we have a few favorite authors we share, but we also have favorite authors that belong to only one of us. My wife has Jodi Picoult. I think she's read 7 or 8 of her books. She and her sister share them, taking turns buying the newest book then letting the other read it. Me, I'm more of the JD Salinger, Emily Bronte type. I agree that WH can be difficult, especially the old codger Joseph. It took me at least half the book to figure out what he was saying. Thanks for the list and the comments.
